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Pasta vs. Pizza: The Ultimate Comfort Food Showdown

When you’re craving Italian comfort food, do you crave pizza or pasta? Whether you have a favorite or can’t decide, let’s talk about two of the most beloved Italian dishes that make you feel warm and satisfied. Which one is more delicious? Which is easier to eat? Which is more versatile?

We’re diving into a world of flavorful sauces and satisfying carbs as we explore pizza vs. pasta. Which is the best comfort food? You be the judge.


GM2Pasta represents an incredible diversity of culinary experiences. There’s spaghetti and linguini, macaroni and rigatoni, ravioli and tortellini – and everything in between! Pasta comes in different shapes, lengths, and textures. You can also put just about any sauce on pasta, and it will likely be delicious. Many families have their own special and deeply nostalgic pasta recipes, from homemade sauces to casserole bakes.

But we’re talking about the classics. When it comes to classic Italian pasta, the top sauces are marinara, alfredo, and creamy garlic. These savory sauces can be spicy, tangy, and/or creamy and often enhance crumbly meats like sausage or lobster, then topped with delicious cheeses. Almost every pasta can be baked, and the leftovers are sometimes even better than pasta on the first day.


GM3Pizza is the number one party food, whether you’re celebrating solo, sharing a movie night with friends, or hosting hundreds at a major event. The perfect balance of chewy or crispy crust, sauce, cheese, and personalized toppings makes pizza ultimately versatile. You can eat it without utensils—or even a plate—and the options are nearly infinite.

When talking about pizza, you’ll want to consider crust style and region. Thin crust gives more of a crunch when you bite in and less chewy dough under the toppings. Old World pizza crust is fluffy and folds over the toppings. Then there’s Chicago-style deep dish—a truly unique pizza style that more closely resembles toppings as pie filling and has a ton of chewy crust to enjoy.


The choice of toppings can also make every pizza unique- or bring us together with classic favorites like pepperoni, sausage, extra meaty, or the veggie-rich supreme. This ensures that there’s something for everyone at any pizza party or you can order your perfect combination of flavors on any personal pizza.

How to Choose

When you’re craving comfort food and Italian flavors, how do you decide between pasta or pizza? Consider the factors that matter most to satiate your craving and make you feel warm and satisfied from the inside out.

  • Flavor
    • Pasta flavor varies depending on your choice of sauce and can be spiced up with meats, veggies, and special cheese.
    • Pizza’s flavor hinges on the combination of house marinara and savory cheese, but like pasta, it is made unique by the meats, veggies, and special cheeses on top.
  • Eating Experience
    • Pasta provides a fantastic mouthfeel and big, filling bites. If you’re craving a bowl (or baked square) of delicious nostalgia, you can’t go wrong with pasta.
    • Pizza is chewy, and you can eat it with your hands. It’s satisfying to tear through a piece (or three), and it’s easy to offer friends a slice.
  • Prep Time
    • Pasta can be quick and easy (boil, sauce, eat) or massively complex (e.g., lasagna). The minimum prep time is 20 minutes, and the maximum is 3-5 hours.
    • Pizza is fast and easy to make at home—but only if you have dough and know how to work it. You can also order pizza at any time and enjoy it within a half-hour.
  • Versatility
    • Pasta’s versatility comes from the wide choice of noodle, sauce, and cheese combinations. You can make just about any flavor and mouth-feel experience by mixing it up.
    • Pizza is the single most versatile party food. You can change the flavor profile with toppings and you can eat it with your hands.
  • Cultural Significance
    • Pasta is traditionally more formal. It’s a great “date night” dish but also represents family meals together using your family’s generational recipes.
    • Pizza has always been casual, from its roots as a light Italian street food. It’s best when shared and can enhance any party.


How You’re Feeling Today

Ultimately, the choice between pasta vs. pizza should depend on how you feel. Want a bowl full of satisfaction swimming in your favorite sauce? It’s clearly pasta time. Want a casual yet delicious meal to keep your day active? Order a pizza.


Of course, you don’t even have to choose. There’s nothing stopping you from enjoying a little of both to truly sate your craving for Italian comfort food.

Pizza or Pasta, We’ve Got You Covered


At Green Mill, we are delighted to help you sate any craving, whether you desire traditional pastas or your favorite pizza. Discover our delicious menu of saucy and baked pasta, traditional and signature pizzas, or a little of both. Whether you’re craving pasta or pizza, your comfort food awaits. Find a location nearest you to dine-in or order Green Mill online for delivery today!